After a lifetime of hating my moon cycle, I chose the path of devotion and union to my womb. The second I allowed myself to bleed freely, I released all pain and discomfort with my moon.
I always hated my period. For as long as I could remember. I first started my period when I was 11 with no education other than the 5th grade maturation video. Shout out to my 6th grade teacher Mrs. Hotlom for showing the girls in class how to place a tampon.
Although I came from a very large family, periods were on the list of things we didn’t talk about. I was in my downstairs bathroom when I saw the spotting and asked my sisters for help. They handed me a large generic brand tampon, told me their horror stories of cramping, bloody high school mishaps, and acne, wished me luck and went about their way.
The years to follow brought cramping, acne, and a genuine dread every month. My only wish ever was to make it all go away. All of it. The bleeding, the mess, the pain, the emotions, and the insecurity.
I thought getting on birth control would solve the problem so I begged my mother multiple times but thankfully for me, she refused. I didn’t understand the side effects or dysfunction it could bring into a girls life.
Even as a young adult, never once was I educated about the power of a woman's bleed or hormone awareness during my nursing school education or my labor and delivery nurse career. In fact, the majority of my education was memorizing hundreds and hundreds of drugs, but never the real lasting impact they would have on a woman.
After each of my children, birth control was recommended, and I happily took it. I was the happy owner of a hormone based IUD. I loved it. Truly. It completely took away my periods and made it easy to simply go throughout life. It really went well with my metal retainers, energy drinks, adderall, tap water, and breast implants.
Until one day, in 2020, amongst a business lawsuit and failing marriage, my life was quite literally crashing in around me and like God does, I was given divine help. This time in the form of plant medicine. It was my time to sit with grandmother ayahuasca. Because of the sensitive nature of the medicine, I had to detox off of adderall, caffeine, and processed foods. It was the beginning of lifting the veil off of my divine natural state of being.
Detoxing for these ceremonies was painfully eye opening. I was fatigued and disconnected from my body. 32 years of diet culture, hustle culture, and living in the bigpharma matrix had me wiped out. It was then that I made a choice to continue this detox, remove all artificial things out of my body, and educate myself on all things hormones and menstruation. I read through womb awakening, in the flo, Pussy: A Reclamation, and the other one. Finally on May 28th, 2021, I removed my IUD for good and began the journey back to my womb.
And the veil continued to lift. My bitterness for the lack of my education turned to anger when I realized just how misguided women had been for so long. I knew I wanted to help change that.
Pretty quickly after I began this journey I started to see ads for period underwear and immediately bought a couple pairs to try. In many ways I felt as if I was starting over with my womb. I was finally going to give her a try. I was going to listen to her and trust her. One day during a meditation I asked her what she needed and I heard her clear as day…never allow anything to stop the flow of my moon blood again.
I was nervous for the pain and yet, the pain never came. I listened to my flow, I rested during the bleed, and I never stopped her from releasing. The only downside was that I could not find the perfect fitting period underwear so I made my own.
Wild Moon Underwear is so much more than a place to purchase organic period underwear. It’s a place to learn how to trust yourself again. A place to educate yourself on your womb cycle. A place to come home to the wild woman with you.

Labor and delivery nurse turned elemental life coach, Sadie helps thousands of women a year remember their magic and turn their pain into their purpose. From her wellness app to her life changing retreats and coaching courses, Sadie is consistently serving her community with powerful ways to better their body, mind, soul, and womb.
From hypnotherapy, yoga and movement medicine, mindful meditation, sensual expression and somatic empowerment, Sadie has spent years educating herself in the ways of soul embodiment. As a mom of 3, she knows the importance of self-expression and sovereignty as a mother and has dedicated her life to set women free from self-hate, false beliefs, and past traumas.

Welcome home, wild one.